Thursday, 15 January 2015

Repositioning today’s youth for entrepreneurship

Repositioning today’s youth for entrepreneurship
Ecclesiastes 11: 4-6; 9:10
The orientation and educational training of the youth of today leans towards white collar jobs. The reality however is that these jobs are hardly sufficient for the number of young adults. And this explains why youngsters are involved in so many crimes. It is therefore imperative to prepare our young adults for the future with entrepreneurial skills.
An entrepreneur is a self-employed individual having his own business. Entrepreneurship involves identifying, developing and bringing a vision to life. The vision may be an innovative idea, an opportunity of a better way of doing something. An entrepreneur identifies, perceives and takes advantage of scarce resources including money, materials, machines and men. He also needs training, skills and experience to do his business successfully. This is what we want to look at so that we can succeed in a world of ours where the white collar jobs are NOT available. The Holy Bible enjoins us to study to be quiet and to do our own business. 1thess.4:11, 12.

1thess.4:11, 12
The current global economic recession and gross unemployment the whole world over make entrepreneurship important. Many job opportunities are created by small scale business people.
Unemployment is on the increase,
People are hungry, that is why entrepreneurship is very vital in the life of every youth today.

You are self reliant financially.
Employ others
Control your time
Self esteem
Retire young
Educational services, private tutoring, day care, extra classes, teaching, bookselling, toffee selling,
Agro services; fish farming, goat rearing, fowl rearing, poultry
ICT; hardware, software, phone sales and repairs, recharge cards, pendrives, chips mass messaging, ring tone production, computer training
Publishing; book binding, past questions sales, envelopes production and sales, artifacts
2. starting a small business idea while in school.
Eccl. 9:10, provb29:18, luke 14:28-32, rom.12:11, heb.6:12;10:36
Is it possible to start a business while in school? YES!!!
1.     Get an idea. Everything done on the earth starts from one point; an idea. You may have dreamt of starting a business at a very tender age. That is an inspiration. It is the first step.
2.     Investigate. Read round the business, consult, find out the possibilities of excellence and the set backs. i. is there a need for your service? Ii. Who needs it? Iii. Are there other competitors? Iv. How will your business fit into the market? V. what new thing are you bringing on board?
3.     Make your plan. Goals, motivation and how you hope to achieve them (strategies).
4.     Source of funding. You do not need a lot of money to start a business but how will you get some to start-personal savings-friends-banks-parents etc.
5.     Select a business organization. Your small business can be a sole proprietorship, a partnership, a limited liability company or a corporation. The structure of your business will determine the name, taxes etc. you can start with a structure and change it as time goes on and you begin to expand.
6.     Find a suitable business place. Are you using a kiosk, an umbrella by the road, or an executive office?
7.     Register your business name and obtain the necessary permits to operate on the plot of land you want to occupy.
8.     Keep proper record of all transactions.
9.     Make your business known. Adopt various techniques to get your business known. Facebook, news papers, friends, door tpo door, classroom adverts, articles etc.
Bill gates.
Born in 1955, an American business executive, served as chairman of Microsoft corporation, the leading soft ware company in the world. His real name is William henry gates. He droped out of Havard university and devoted his time to Microsoft. By 1987, gates, then 31 years has become the youngest billionaire in the world.
Thomas Edison
He attended formal school for only three months. At twelve years, he sold news [papers, candy, and apples. At 15 years, he bought a second hand printing press. He soon began producing news papers. Some one at the rail station where he was working and selling the news papers, offered to teach him how to operate telegraph and for the next four years, he went about offering telegraph service to the world. He spent the money he got on lab instruments and materials which he scattered and rebuilt.
His first major achievement was an improvement on the telephone. He later set out to develop an incandescent  lamb which could give light by heating a copper wire until it glowed with light.
The mere newspaper seller!
Henry Ford. An American industrialist, a pioneer in automobile engineering. He was born on a farm in Dearborn, Michigan, US. On july 30th 1863 and educated in district schools, he became a machinist’s apprentice in Detroit at the age of 16. In 1896, after trying several times and failing, he completed the construction of his first auto-mobile; the “quadricycle”. In 1903, he established the Ford motor company.
Michael Faraday 1791,sep 22england was the son of a blacksmith and received very little formal education, an apprentice of a book binder, read a lot on electricity and sciences.
Wilber and Orville Wright Founded the Wright Cycle company. They dropped out of school to become editors and printers of small newspapers. They jointly built the first air planes. Action, akim state, Agbenyo in Youth and future agambire-rlg, kennedy agyapong, safo kantanka  etc These were mere young men with very humble beginnings, what shows you cannot also write your name in any book?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

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