Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Who's your family member?

WHAT IS A FAMILY? All through primary school, we've been taught that family is a group of people related by blood. Folks, I've spent more than two decades trying to ascertain the veracity of this definition. As it stands now, I cannot accept this definition to be true. If this definition were true, Cain wouldn't have murdered Abel and Reuben and his siblings wouldn't have sold Joseph; and Jesus Christ wouldn't have accepted the good Samaritan as the true neighbour(family) to the wounded man. If a family were just a group of people related by blood, then automatically, all blood relations should be concerned about the welfare of each other and not get divided on petty grounds. You remember when people came to Jesus with the report that his family wanted to see Him? What was His response? I have come to really identify with a passage in the book of John the beloved who clearly tells us "... There's a friend that sticketh closer than a brother." What at all is a family? And who qualifies to be called your family member? I'm very fond of using this scenario: Kwame is not related to you by blood. Kojo is, and more interestingly, richer than Kwame, but anytime you were in need, it was Kwame that came to your aid. It happened that both Kwame and Kojo died but left their children behind. Some way some how, and by some divine providence, you found yourself in a very influential position in life after the death of Kwame and Kojo. One day, both children needed to be assisted to join the medical college, you had the protocol privilege to assist one, and only one of these two children. (They were both qualified)...." Look here now, the traditional definition of family will expect you to pick Kojo's child as against that of Kwame, and to me, if you did that, I'd have labelled you as one of the most, if not the most ungrateful being on earth. And I don't think God will think otherwise. Or what do you think? "A FAMILY IS A GROUP WHO CARE FOR EACH OTHER AS MUCH" ~~~~ Ë YAO AGBENYO The assertion that a family is a group of people related by blood is flawed, infantile, archaic, hollow and must thus be deemed inappropriate to be taught in our schools. Consequently, if people only see you as their family member when it comes to doing something for them, they are not your family members! Look for those who care for you as much as you do; those who return your favours and cares, those who seek for you to find out if all is well. But wait oooo, do you also reciprocate the love and care shown you, or you're one of those who take love for granted after they've won it? WATCH OUT FOR A BLOW ON THE CONCEPT OF "TRIBE" I'LL BE BACK! fb.me/eyaoagbenyo Ë YAO AGBENYO

Thursday, 18 May 2017


CAN A CHRISTIAN BE A POLITICIAN? A good friend of mine whom I respected so much, and I, had to part ways on fb because he says I'm not born again because I speak about politics. To him, a Christian is not a politician and a politician is not a Christian. (wow!) I asked him whether he voted, he said yes. I knew the party he was sympathetic towards, so I put it to him, and he did not deny. So I asked: if you say because I speak about politics, I'm not born again, and because you are, you don't speak politics yet you vote for politicians for them to represent you, your money is used to cater for them, THEY MAKE LAWS FOR YOU AND YOU ARE FORCED TO OBEY, YET YOU CLAIM POLITICIANS ARE EVIL BUT YOU SUPPORT THEM, ISN'T THAT HYPOCRITICAL? You take delight in something secretly but oppose it openly? Proverbs 29:2 When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn. How can you rise to authority in this 21st century without politics? How then will the people rejoice for whom Christ died? How long are we going to keep silent for the unrighteous to keep managing us? Proverbs 28:28 When the wicked rise, men hide themselves: but when they perish, the righteous increase. So will we as righteous people shut up and allow evil to reign in the land? Will a Christian in Parliament promulgate a law to uphold homosexuality? Will a Christian in Parliament promulgate a law to take Bibles out of our country? Will a Christian in Parliament make a law, forcing pastors to conduct weddings for homosexuals or face imprisonment as is the case in some countries? Why do we wait for the ungodly and sinners, people whose hearts and wills have not been submitted to the holy Spirit to ascend the thrones of power, then when they start persecuting the church, we go on empty stomachs for days in the name of fasting to Gert things reversed? Don't Christians pay taxes? Don't Christians pay road tolls? Do Christians not have a share in the national cake? DON'T CHRISTIANS HAVE THE RIGHT, JUST AS OTHER CITIZENS TO HAVE A GOOD LIVING CONDITION AND DEMAND ACCOUNTABILITY AND GOOD GOVERNANCE FROM THE PEOPLE WHO REPRESENT THEM? HOW LONG WILL YOU REMAIN SILENT IN THE CAGE OF RELIGIOUS TRADITIONS? The earlier we get this religious mentality cleared from the church, the better. Look out for potential leaders in your church, mentor and train them to take over the thrones of power. If our own children are helped to become the law makers, we can call them to order when they veer off the road of righteousness. This is what brings glory to God. Just as there are pastors who commit sin (in whatever form), and there are yet other pastors holding on firmly to the gospel; so also are there politicians who are untruthful, selfish, greedy and evil. Yet, there are politicians seeking to please God and serve their people faithfully. POLITICS IS JUST AN AVENUE TO SERVE MANKIND, GOD, AND SOCIETY; POLITICS IS NOT A SIN, IT IS NOT EVIL TO DO POLITICS. IF ITS YOUR PASSION, GO FOR IT. If you claim to be light, and you label a place as darkness and refuse to go there because of the darkness, HOW WILL THEY SEE THE LIGHT? WHEN YOU SUCCESSFULLY DISCOURAGE BORN AGAIN CHILDREN OF GOD FROM NATIONAL MATTERS, DON'T COME COMPLAINING WHEN THE ATHEISTS AND PAGANS TAKE OVER AND THROW GOD OUT OF THE COUNTRY. I URGE YOU ALL AS CHRISTIANS AND CHILDREN OF GOD TO VENTURE INTO NATIONAL MATTERS. GET INVOLVED AND IMPACT YOUR WORLD FOR WE HAVE BEEN CALLED AS LIGHT TO THIS WORLD, AS SALT TO SAVE THIS WORLD. YOUR VIEWS ARE WELCOME. Ë YAO AGBENYO CEO, YAFinc. fb.me/eyaoagbenyo yaoagbenyo.blogspot.com

Wednesday, 17 May 2017


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*#BiYFLI* *THE LATEST AND TRENDING HASH TAG IN SPEECH EDITING, PROOFREADING, THESES, LETTERS, BOOKS EDITING AND LANGUAGE TUITION IS #BiYFLI.* BELIEVE IN YOUR FUTURE LANGUAGE INSTITUTE (BiYFLI) offers you impeccable and perfect versions of your written work. You could enrol on the English as a Foreign Language (EFL) For students from non English speaking countries, or register for classes for effective and adequate preparation towards your BECE, WASSCE AND NOV-DEC resits. YOU COULD ALSO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR FRENCH LESSONS FOR BEGINNERS. DON'T WASTE YOUR MONEY ANYMORE AND FAIL, ENROL NOW! CALL OR WHATSAPP OUR DIRECTOR 0543556235 #BIYFLI....IMPECCABLY PERFECT!!!

Tuesday, 16 May 2017


Edited for you only. Enjoy!!! *CHRONOS OR KAIROS?* Ë YAO AGBENYO Do you know that we live in a chronos world? Have you ever met a kairos moment? how long has it been since you had a kairos moment in this chronos world? Well, lets define some terms. The Greek language, the official language of the new testament of the holy bible, uses two diverse words for time; CHRONOS and KAIROS. CHRONOS TIME derives chronology (don’t ask why these big words? It is the pride of the language student. Chronos time is drudgery time, it is the ticking tock tickling clock measured time: each second is exactly like the one that went before it. Chronos time has no urgency. It is let the time go fast for me to go home: that is chronos time. A sketch of the chronos time Under what circumstances do we say a person is having a chronos time? #. Picture an insomnia patient, lying on a hospital bed: can not rest, can`t sleep, can`t dream. All he can is to hear the relentless tick tocking of the clock pounding in his ears, waiting for day break- he`s having a chronos time, empty, void, no action, no goal no aim, a wasted time. #. Picture a Ghanaian teacher who hates his job, and to add perjury to injury, his pay is less than the policeman who spends six months at the Winneba beach, shouting and having fun while he (the teacher) toiled under pressure in UEW for three years with another hectic one year in the hands of traitors who do not want anyone to reach where they are let alone talk of passing them. (I could not make even a third class,i could only manage a pass, why should I let you have a first class? Second lower gͻhaa mεkpͻgε`o, second lower mpo baa bͻ bo. εbε bͻ `u) ‘YET IN ALL THESE WE ARE MORE THAN CONQUERORS’. Picture this teacher, waiting for the bell to sound so he could leave to his home. He is having a chronos time; void, empty, useless, a wasted time. Imagine an unconverted sinner, prayerless hence powerless, no conviction, listening to a powerless preacher talk of prosperity and power when all he needs is a message of salvation in the name of JESUS CHRIST that liberates a desperate soul, waiting to hear ‘in jesus` name we pray’ for him to depart. That is a chronos time. Empty, void, wasted time. Imagine Pegu, Yon Kon, Ataa Ayi or Tetteh Mpata in prison checking on the calendar every now and then, crying foul ‘when am I gonna leave this place’…void, useless, wasted time. Imagine yourself, at a boring long humourless lecture, bored to tears wanting the lecture to end for you to leave. A chronos time, void, empty, wasted time. Picture a lecturer at Maalam junction before February 2012, without a laptop in a hurry to conduct a quiz. When am I gonna leave here? That`s a chronos time. Void, empty, wasted time. ‘Chronos time is empty, meaningless. It is humdrum time. A void time that must be filled. It is time we put in, pass, endure or wish away’… says James Morre. When we talk of killing time, it is a chronos time. That is what the counselor and lecturer in UEW, Dr. Bedu-Addo calls ‘A WASTED TIME, WASTING TIME’. *‘BEWARE OF CHRONOS TIMES, FOR THEY ARE MORE OF ARMED ROBBERS THAN PROCRASTINATION’-* E. Agbenyo 2011 *THE KAIROS TIME* This is the embodiment of those rich, extra special, significant, dramatic moments that are packed with meaning, MOMENTS THAT STAND OUT WITH YOU AND STAY FOR A LIFE TIME. Kairos time is full time ,GOD`S TIME, (I mean Jehovah the ancient of days, the alpha and omega`s time). It’s a vital time, crucial and decisive time, a rich moment that breaks into the humdrum and changes your life for better, a power packed moment when all things seem to fall in place, a new perspective comes, a great paradigm shift occurs and God seems to be speaking to us so loud and clear. That is Kairos time, full time, God`s time. Theologians call it the MOMENT OF REVELATION. When you first meet the one you love and you seize the moment to say it, that is a kairos time. When a preacher meets an azonto dancer, that is kairos time (he knows that he either gets that soul for Christ NOW! Or NEVER)… that is a kairos moment. When a pastor meets nakedness and profanity on his or her pews, it`s a kairos moment. NOW or NEVER!!!!. When a friend meets a needy man, when your choir is prayerless, when you meet a proud man, when you meet a sad man, a desperate neglected and rejected man, you can sooth or you can seethe, that`s a kairos moment, NOW OR NEVER!!!! Kairos is a key word used in the new testament of the Holy Bible, when Jesus preached, he says ‘…the time is fulfilled, the kingdom of heaven is at hand’ The word used there is kairos and not chronos. MY LORD`S LIFE WAS FULL OF KAIROS MOMENTS. SPECIAL AND DRAMATIC TIME… He says; ‘I must work the works of him that sent me while it is day The night cometh when no man can work.’ CHRONOS TIME, LIKE GROWTH, IS QUANTITATIVE WHILE KAIROS IS QUALITATIVE. How about you, how long has it been since you had a kairos moment? Do you realize life while you live it or you allow every opportunity to slip by before you say had I known? Elections are coming very soon, are you in level 100? AGBENYO SAYS GO FOR A POSITION, DEVELOP YOURSELF WHILE ON CAMPUS. TAKE AN EXTRA COURSE. IMPROVE YOURSELF! IT IS NOW OR NEVER. DON`T LOOK AT YOUR AGE OR SIZE, SAY NOT THAT I AM BUT A LITTLE CHILD, GO FOR GOLD, I SAY YOU CAN. SHOOT FOR THE MOON, IF YOU MISS IT, YOU LAND AMONGST THE STARS, BUT IF YOU SHOOT FOR THE STARS AND YOU MISS, WHERE DO YOU LAND? Of course BACK TO ZERO POINT. THINK ABOUT YOUR LIFE, WHAT CAN YOU LAY YOUR HANDS ON AND SAY THAT YESTERDAY I DID THIS? WILL TODAY TOO PASS YOU BY LIKE YESTERDAY? Listen to the French Romantic writers, they say CARPE DIEM- *seize the moment*, do something worthwhile. when you are not around, will anyone miss you? Will someone say If agbenyo were here, this would not have been this, or that would have been this? WHAT ARE YOU TO BE REMEMBERED FOR? Ë YAO AGBENYO CEO, YAFINC fb.me/eyaoagbenyo yaoagbenyo.blogspot.com *Copyright material, No duplicates please, (extracted from Yao Agbenyo`s GUIDING GADGETS FOR GOAL GETTERS. 2011)*

Saturday, 13 May 2017


HOW TO DESTROY SIBLING RIVALRY Sibling rivalry is the kind of resentment/hatred siblings feel towards each other when one feels that the other is having preferential trade opportunities at home. . It is expected, especially in Africa where even your distant relatives are seen as your brothers and sisters, that siblings cling tightly to each other no matter the situation, However, where there is rivalry, SIBLINGS CAN BECOME ENEMIES. Siblings are the immediate family a man thinks of before anyone else, yet the canker of sibling rivalry has set many a hitherto peaceful family ablaze. I don't want to sound morbid, overly sensational or too personal, but it would interest you to know what things I have suffered in the hands of my senior siblings because I've been the favourite of my mum. A very good friend last asked me after listening to my story; he said, I THOUGHT YOU EWES ARE VERY GOOD AT FAMILY BONDING? Yes! That's a universal truth but sibling rivalry knows no tribe! Its just as ubiquitous as mosquitoes! Do you remember how Joseph's siblings hated him to the point of even selling him off into a foreign land all because THEIR FATHER LOVED HIM MORE? That is the result we get when parents seem to overtly love one chilld more than all their other children. Probably, you are the one being hated by other siblings; they are never ready to help you, they always scold you for any little mistake, they always try to "bulley" or cow you into submission. No amount of good you do appeals to them. You have become rivals with your siblings competing fo the love and attention of your parents. Its just like a man in love with a girl and seeing that girl always with another person. Its painful, right? Well, it's just the same in this case. Sibling rivalry is a great problem that needs to be tackled in all homes. Sometimes, it sadly grows even into old age where siblings dont talk to each other, no visits, no calls, no love for eachother. Just resentment and hatred till hell. Since its a mother's day, I dedicate this piece to my mum Madam Grace Aku Amegah, my wife, (maybe to be) and all other godly women who are impacting lives. I LOVE YOU! NOW How do we handle this? 1. Parents should avoid buying gifts for one child, ignoring or neglecting all the others. 2. Parents should avoid always sending one particular child only. 3. Parents should avoid scolding or beating one particular child all the time while shielding the other from punishment. 4. Parents should be fair in heaping praises and distributing gifts. 5. Stop comparing your children to others. They are unique in their own ways. 6. Avoid using words like useless, dumb, good for nothing, old man! Block headed etc. 7. Praise your children often, and encourage them with laughter and love at home. 8. Settle disagreements between kids fairly. Don't take sides. 9. When they bring their result home from school, be wise in drawing comparisons. 10. Love your children unconditionally and don't let them take your attention from your husband!!! HE WOULD FEEL JEALOUS TOO!!! NOW CHILDREN Children must understand that some people would always be better than others; life is not a competition. Children should learn to take joy in the happiness of the other. Learn to share what you have with your siblings; if its an award you had in school and your senior brother didn't perform well there, don't tease and laugh at him but rather make him feel part of the glory. If its a gift you got from someone for running errands or something, bring it home and share with your siblings. When every child is taught to love and appreciate the efforts of others, rivalry can be brought to the lowest end. WHAT IS THE FEELING OF RIVALRY LIKE IN YOUR AREA, WHAT BETTER WAYS CAN WE TACKLE SIBLING RIVALRY? SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS ON MY FACEBOOK WALL. AT AGBENYO EBENEZER YAO OH GIVE US HOMES BUILT FIRM UPON JESUS. Ë YAO AGBENYO LIFE/CAREER COACH +233543556235 CEO, YAFinc.