Tuesday, 23 May 2017

Who's your family member?

WHAT IS A FAMILY? All through primary school, we've been taught that family is a group of people related by blood. Folks, I've spent more than two decades trying to ascertain the veracity of this definition. As it stands now, I cannot accept this definition to be true. If this definition were true, Cain wouldn't have murdered Abel and Reuben and his siblings wouldn't have sold Joseph; and Jesus Christ wouldn't have accepted the good Samaritan as the true neighbour(family) to the wounded man. If a family were just a group of people related by blood, then automatically, all blood relations should be concerned about the welfare of each other and not get divided on petty grounds. You remember when people came to Jesus with the report that his family wanted to see Him? What was His response? I have come to really identify with a passage in the book of John the beloved who clearly tells us "... There's a friend that sticketh closer than a brother." What at all is a family? And who qualifies to be called your family member? I'm very fond of using this scenario: Kwame is not related to you by blood. Kojo is, and more interestingly, richer than Kwame, but anytime you were in need, it was Kwame that came to your aid. It happened that both Kwame and Kojo died but left their children behind. Some way some how, and by some divine providence, you found yourself in a very influential position in life after the death of Kwame and Kojo. One day, both children needed to be assisted to join the medical college, you had the protocol privilege to assist one, and only one of these two children. (They were both qualified)...." Look here now, the traditional definition of family will expect you to pick Kojo's child as against that of Kwame, and to me, if you did that, I'd have labelled you as one of the most, if not the most ungrateful being on earth. And I don't think God will think otherwise. Or what do you think? "A FAMILY IS A GROUP WHO CARE FOR EACH OTHER AS MUCH" ~~~~ Ë YAO AGBENYO The assertion that a family is a group of people related by blood is flawed, infantile, archaic, hollow and must thus be deemed inappropriate to be taught in our schools. Consequently, if people only see you as their family member when it comes to doing something for them, they are not your family members! Look for those who care for you as much as you do; those who return your favours and cares, those who seek for you to find out if all is well. But wait oooo, do you also reciprocate the love and care shown you, or you're one of those who take love for granted after they've won it? WATCH OUT FOR A BLOW ON THE CONCEPT OF "TRIBE" I'LL BE BACK! fb.me/eyaoagbenyo Ë YAO AGBENYO


  1. You have a point there.
    If everyone would think this way,we won't at the first place war against one another all because of family or ethnic conflicts.

    However, the basic definition of family was what school taught us. The detailed and advanced definition is what you brought out. Family should go beyond the limits of blood ties. Whether related by blood or not, we are all families.
