Friday 24 September 2021

How to Handle Adolescents Today



The conflict between grown-ups and teenagers has always been an age long combat. Over the years, many parents and loco parents have been wondering if there are any peculiar and effective ways of handling adolescents that are sure to yield lasting results in the lives of the youngsters they lead. In times past, youths and adolescents had very little say in decisions that concerned their lives, from what to eat to what school to attend and even who to marry! They were handled with canes, lashes, threats, and punishments if they dared go against the dictates of their parents and guardians. There were hardly any chance for the youngster to say what he thinks about any given issue. In cases of conflict between a youngster and an adult, we were told “the elder is never wrong” even if the adult was clearly at fault. Some of the offences or things adults then considered offences were quite ridiculously funny to the extent that one could get beaten for crying after having been beaten, and receiving more punishment for not crying after being beaten. Sleeping too early could attract punishment, not sleeping early could equally attract punishments. Eating in a family member’s house could attract beatings and more canes, and insults could flow for not eating what is available when one was hungry. Teenagers who were caught exploring sexualities were syringed with ginger and pepper concoctions. Physical and verbal abuses were rampant as forms of deterrence for delinquent youths, and many other forms of punishments that have become issues of child right litigations today. It is not gainsaying that some of these hardhanded approaches to adolescent molding yielded some positive results in times past.

However, in recent times when it has become difficult for adults to even make decisions for, and even with the youngsters, there is the need to adopt modern techniques in handling these youths in an attempt to adapt to the changing trends and cultures. Let us explore some of the suggestions that could help us wrap our arms around the now herculean task of youth engagement.

Train up the child the way he should go, so that when he grows, he will not depart from it. The adolescent child is a product of their childhood experiences. In view of this, parents should ensure they introduce their children to the right experiences of love, care, and understanding before the child reaches adolescence. Parents who notice stubbornness and self will in the lives of their children before adolescence should understand they are going to have difficult time handling such children in adolescence if the necessary steps are not taken to correct them before they grow. Strike the rod while it is still hot. It is sad that parents can leave their children at home and go to church, the child refuses to go to school and the mother just laments and complains without taking action. Some fathers are not helping issues either because of loose handedness and irresponsibility. Parents have the responsibility first to train up their children before any loco parents take over. Children teachers at church, and school teachers have the next responsibilities as loco pants after biological parents. Wives should mind their relations towards their husbands, husbands should mind their relation and speech towards their wives, especially in the presence of the children because “out of the mouth of children come words that adults should not have spoken.”

As they get closer to adolescence, observe to do according to the following:

Build confidentiality and trust first. Many have opined that in order to deal with youths effectively, there is the need to listen and listen and listen to them! But many in this school have forgotten that for decoding to occur, the other partner has to be ready to encode; otherwise there is nothing to listen to. How do you get the youngsters to talk to you? They have become excessively secretive, and protective of their lives. Many are not even ready to sit with many an adult in the first place. How do you get them to talk? Build confidentiality and trust. When you first talk, start with a discussion on how a lot of adults have become broadcasting corporations. They listen to you, intentionally pry into your issues not because they have any solutions, or intend to solve the problems but to go and broadcast it around and on the pulpit! This is one major thing youths detest about adults; leaders and pastors in particular. Then let them know how you intend to deal with their issues differently. Say it, speak about confidentiality more often when you are with them, and make sure you do not betray their trust. This might not take a day or two. It will take a time of friendliness and harmless giftings and praises to build this trust. If you are not real about this, they will know with time, and you lose them forever.

Correct in private, praise in the open. Doing this tells the youth that you respect them, and their self worth. This principle is mainly taught to intending and married couples, but we forget it is a major principle in adolescent mentorship and grooming. Nobody likes public embarrassment or upfront confrontations and rebukes. Rebuking youths openly only scares them away and creates feelings of worthlessness and lasting inferiority complex. If you observe certain behavioral deviations in dressing, in speech, company, or any other cultural deviations that are likely to impede the positive developments of the youth, remember; praise in the open; correct in private.

Listen. Parents and other youth stakeholders should focus on building friendships, and listen to their children with an intent of interest and willingness to help without condemnations and judgement, and lead by example! Encourage them to talk more after that cordiality is established. Remember no matter how friendly you are with adolescents, there will be inhibitions against opening up on certain serious issues. Their friends in school are pestering them with issues of sex and sexuality, drugs, menstruation, music, Christianity and other religions, and so many things, and these disturb them honestly. It may take work for them to admit this but be rest assured, they do. There is the need for a push and encouragement for them to talk about things that bother them. Sometimes, postpone the discussion, wake up at dawn and call them to it. Be sure to ignore irrelevant issues. Let things that have past, that do not have very grave consequences on the future go, and rather concentrating on showing understanding, empathy, and forgiveness.

Do not be too conscious of they respecting you, but build an atmosphere that will make them enjoy that friendship, but find it difficult to disrespect you. You can do this by speaking about these things when they are in groups meetings like church or youth fellowship and cell meetings.

Be genuinely interested in their progress and well being in life. Instead of just shouting and condemning their nonserious attitude towards church and spiritual issues, take time to ask about their academics, about FOOD, about their health, and other needs. Where possible, get others to help you buy some gifts for them. Show genuine interest. Sit with them, take a walk, and other things that aim at reducing tension and shyness between you the adult and the kids.

Control your emotions when dealing with adolescents. The youth ministry is a ministry of disappointments. If one of your youths, who you so much trust confesses to you a grave sin he or she has committed, do you have the mental fortitude to handle it without tantrums? If one of your youths outrightly disobeys and demeans your authority in the presence of everybody, will you get angry, or you will be able to hold it for another day? How you handle that embarrassment will from that day determine the light in which they see you. Learn to smile things off and laugh even when you are offended and call the culprit later, assuring him/or her that you understand what is going on, and that you do not hold anything against them, then make conscious efforts to pull them closer for that shyness and embarrassment to be erased for a smooth relation to continue.

Avoid being dictatorial. When there is mutual respect, young people will find it difficult to say no to instructions from adults, but where the adult feels an entitlement to be obeyed at all times by the youth without having a say, it becomes more of a burden and fear relation to the youth. They will then start plotting how to neutralize that authoritativeness. Instructions should not come with force, leaving no options for the youth. Calm down, and come down to the level of the youth, and allow them the opportunity to have a say in decisions that concern them.

Watch and observe for change in behavior and depressive tendencies. Depression in the life of adolescents is more real now than before. Social media and peer influences have made life very complex, complicated, and difficult for adolescents. Friends are flaunting their unrealistic properties around, they see their peers in cars, at beaches, and other entertaining functions. The pressure to also have what their peers seem to have is mounting every now and then on young people. This pressure eventually leads to depressive and suicidal thoughts. If your young people are withdrawing form public gathering and retreating from what they used to enjoy before, there is a cause for alarm. You need to draw the attention of other youth workers as soon as possible before you hear the worst news of your life.

Spare the rod, spoil the child. Discipline is very important as well as all these methods. It becomes difficult to cane a child today if they are not your biological children. Parents should stamp their feet on the ground, and know when to insist that their children go a certain way, and when to punish their children appropriately without excesses, and not without wisdom. At certain points in the life of a recalcitrant child, no loco parent has the authority to apply force in today’s world, but where the parents are alive, force should be applied. Or the child could be moved from their biological parents to live with other people if the child seems to be taking the familiarity with their parents for granted.

Do not fail in your parental role. Employ persuasion, employ discipline, use every legitimate means available to you to ensure that the children God has given you do not fail in this life.

This write up is not enough to digest how to preach today. You may invite the writer for further discussions, workshops, and preaching sessions on this matter and more.

The writer is a communications strategist, Youth Life and Leadership Coach.


Thank you, and God bless you.

E. Yao Agbenyo

Youth Life and Leadership Coach

Youth and Future Incorporated


Ghana, West Africa

+233(0)543 556 235



Thursday 23 September 2021

How to Preach Today by Yao Agbenyo

Fast forward to life after the first decade of the 21st century. Illiteracy has drastically reduced, many have been educated, and now have access to computers, smart phones and social media. Conferences are held online, in social media groups and pages. Knowledge has astronomically increased across all spheres. Consequently, most of your listeners today know more on any given topic than you could possibly deliver on a Sunday morning or during a church meeting. 


A brief introduction to the principles and practice of preaching in the 21st century

E. Yao Agbenyo

What are the best preaching practices today?

How do I get my congregation to ask for more?

Why do my listeners sleep during my message? Is it demonic, or my congregation is just not spiritual enough?

How do I assess my message impact?

In this short article, Yao Agbenyo explores with you some of the best in-church preaching practices that will transform your ministry.


Most of your listeners today know more on any given topic than you could possibly deliver on a Sunday morning or during a church meeting. Years ago, up till the end of the twentieth century in the year 2000, even till the end of the first decade of the 21st century in 2010,  local  preachers were, and remained almost the only source of information to many on matters of Scripture, Christianity, Faith, and Life in general. Preachers were the only Life Coaches that were. They were the final authority on many things in the lives of people. Is it same today? It took much more extra effort for congregations to get more information on life. They either ordered CDs from abroad, bought books, or attended paid conferences to sharpen their knowledge on a lot of things. Many in the 19th and 20th centuries remained uneducated, hence preachers enjoyed the monopoly of authority and knowledge. There was no pressure on preachers to learn ‘how’ to deliver messages then. You just needed to preach with a number of Bible reference texts, and that was it. No matter how monotonous, how dull, or uninteresting your message, you will have a committed congregation that would come every week to listen to you.

Fast forward to life after the first decade of the 21st century. Illiteracy has drastically reduced, many have been educated, and now have access to computers, smart phones and social media. Conferences are held online, in social media groups and pages. Knowledge has astronomically increased across all spheres. Consequently, most of your listeners today know more on any given topic than you could possibly deliver on a Sunday morning or during a church meeting. Preachers should note therefore, that though the gospel of Jesus has not changed, the standard of holiness and righteousness expected to be delivered to our congregations has not changed, and should not, our culture, and times have changed. There is therefore a need to adapt quickly, and adopt modern and current practices that will make our listeners want to listen to us, which would ultimately increase the impact and impartations in the lives of our congregations.


No matter what message is being preached, if the preacher is not on top of his message, content, and delivery, people will sleep. It has very little to do with the spiritual state of the congregation.

What then should a preacher do differently now to get his congregation asking for more?

1.      Go deeper than your congregation in everything; read more, pray more, listen to other preachers and make notes! Sometimes, sit down too and let another preach for you to listen! Be on top of your message.

2.      ALWAYS SPEND LESS TIME THAN YOU ARE GIVEN. People no longer enjoy long messages.

3.      Record your messages for personal assessment. Get others to assess your delivery, and be ready to make amends and corrections.

4.      Note down your topic and key points you’ll be asking your congregation to write down

5.      Get new stories every day.

6.      Practice voice modulation

7.      Exercise to feel more energetic and confident

8.      Add humour, but be mindful of excesses so your congregation does not become too used to them.

9.      ALWAYS speak within less time than you are given

10.   Aim at impact, and not the wealth of words. Jesus wasn’t a long talker, he focused on the impacts.

11.   Add proverbs, rhetorical questions, deepen, and lighten your voice appropriately; know when to shout, when to scream, when to whisper, and when to speak normally.

12.   Aim at adding something new every day; new stories, new words, new strategies, new approach. Never be predictable

13.   Maintain eye contact with your congregation. Master the stage.

14.   Get your congregation involved in your delivery by insisting on points they should note down, open the bible and read together with you. If they fail to read along, call them to it, call for chorus answers, and individual answers.

15.   Read more. Read everything, including circular knowledge, tradition, and other religions. You need all these to be able to refute arguments and help your congregation understand certain developments better. Are you abreast with the latest news, and songs in town?

16.   Raise arguments that you know your congregation has been battling with, refute, and leave some questions unanswered to keep the discussion going on even after the service.

17.   Appeal to the emotions of your congregation.

18.   Leave the stage when the applause is loudest.


Whereas speaking comes naturally to the sanguins and cholerics, introverted preachers like the phlegmatics, and melancholics have a more arduous task at speaking. Congregations find them slow, monotonous, and boring. These preachers could note the following for effective preaching. In the first place, speaking is an art, and could be learnt and practised.

1.      Write down your topic, and points you will ask your congregation to write down. Giving congregations points to write down will get them involved, prevent people from sleeping, and help you stick to time.

2.      Ask questions, both rhetorical and probing questions.

3.      Request the congregation to read along with you.

4.      Always bring an axiomatic statement the congregation will take home after your message.

5.      Learn to add humour to your message, but remember to be in time.

6.      Do not stand at one point while preaching. Learn to move around, and even touch one or two members of the congregation during your message.

7.      Research more into how to be the best of yourself to your congregation


No matter how small your audience, you are a leader, and a leader’s number one mandate is to produce more leaders. This will happen when you give people the benefit of the doubt, the opportunities to show what they have. Give people opportunities. That is how to mentor.

Others outside your congregation would want to listen to you. Get social media handles, cut some messages short and continue on your handles through short videos and interview, and live sessions.

Employ the drama approach. It is now yielding very good results. Allow the drama, spoken word, poetry, and music ministries to thrive. Do not silence them.


Conclusively, preaching in our time requires more from the preacher than used to be. It is therefore imperative to “study to show thyself approved….” as we have been admonished by the apostle Paul, if we are to leave our congregations in awe, calling for more engagements with us.


This write up is not enough to digest how to preach today. You may invite the writer for further discussions, workshops, and preaching sessions on this matter and more.

The writer is a communications strategist, Youth Life and Leadership Coach.


Thank you, and God bless you.

E. Yao Agbenyo

Youth Life and Leadership Coach

Youth and Future Incorporated


Ghana, West Africa

+233(0)543 556 235